- Issue 101 -
Published by The Conscious Living Foundation
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Welcome to Conscious Living, our newsletter designed to share our current activities and growth, along with articles and information that we hope will be supportive and encouraging in your efforts to live each moment with more joy and satisfaction.
In this new issue, we are excited to present the second chapter of "The Third Eye" by T. Lobsang Rampa, a fascinating, controversial and very popular account of the life and esoteric experiences of a Tibetian Monk. Topics discussed include reincarnation, clairvoyance, yetis and the unknown early history of the earth. In addition, we are offering the second chapter of "A Romance of Two Worlds" by Marie Corelli. This best selling Victorian novel explores the relationship between the occult and Christianity, plus a discussion of guardian angels and life after death along with mystery, romance and tragedy. We look forward to your comments about both novels. We are also starting a series of selections from Kahlil Gibran's masterpiece, "The Prophet". We begin with the selection entitled, "On Prayer". We are also offering, an article by Paramahansa Yogananda entitled "The Law of Miracles" in which the famous Swami explains how miracles occur along with a detailed discussion of their nature and the circumstances under which they can be controlled. We continue with our collection of essays by Ernest Holmes, with his thoughts on "The Power of Attraction". As always, Dr. Holmes' thoughts are empowering and encouraging. We also continue our exploration of 12 Step Programs and their ability to support personal and spiritual transformation. We're pleased to offer two articles for your consideration: First, "Prayers Related to the 12 Steps" along with "Patterns of Codependence" a fascinating and eye opening introspection tool. We're also offering several other essays and news articles including "Is Your Family Being Manipulated by the Mass Media"; which contains excellent, detailed suggestions on how to regain control of our television and Internet habits, along with "How Riches Come To You" - a "how to" explanation to increase our prosperity in these challenging economic times. As usual, our newsletter also includes an article by one of our most thought-provoking writers, Steve Roberts and his new essay, "The Burial of Grandmother Pony". Also, we've gathered together some of our most popular products and are offering them at a special discounts to support your holiday shopping. Finally, we have added a new recurring "Letters To the Editor" section to our newsletter. Now is the chance for you to share your thoughts, ideas, experiences, questions and opinions with us and the rest of our readers. Just send an email to . We look forward to your emails. As always, we are so grateful to all of you who visit our website, and contribute through your generous donations, purchases, emails and article submissions. Thank you for letting us share this issue of our newsletter with you. William Simpson |
Serial: The Third Eye by T. Lobsang Rampa | |
Please be assured that your email address will not be sold, rented |
![]() ATTRACTION Every one automatically attracts to himself just what he is, and you may set it down that wherever you are, however intolerable the situation may be, it is just where you belong. There is no power in the Universe but yourself that can get you out of it. Some one may help you on the road to realization, but substantiality and permanence can come only through the consciousness of your own life and thought. Man must bring himself to a point where there is no misfortune, no calamity, no accident, no trouble, no confusion; where there is nothing but plenty, peace, power, Life and Truth. He should definitely, daily, using his own name, declare the Truth about himself, realizing that he is reflecting his statements into Consciousness, and that they will be operated upon by It. This is called, in mysticism, High Invocation; invoking the Divine Mind; implanting within It seeds of thought relative to one's self. And this is why some of the teachers of older times used to teach their pupils to cross their hands over their chests and say: "Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful me!" definitely teaching them that, as they held themselves, so they would be held. "Act as though I Am and I will Be." One of the ancient sayings is that, "To the man who can perfectly practice inaction, all things are possible." This sounds like a contradiction until one gets down to the inner teachings; for it is only when one completely practices inaction that he arrives at the point of the true actor. For he then realizes that the act and the actor are one and the same, that cause and effect are the same; which is simply a different way of saying: "Know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free." To reduce the whole thing to its simplest form, whatever one reflects into Mind will be done. HOW TO DEMONSTRATE A HOME Suppose you wish to demonstrate a home; daily, looking into Mind, visualize it just as you wish it to be, making the picture as clear as possible; for it is a lack of clearness of thought that hinders demonstration. Then sit there about ten minutes, saying, "It is, it is, it is." Perhaps thoughts will come in which say "that it is not." Pay no attention to such thoughts but return to your meditation, and seeing the picture anew, say again, "It is, it is, it is." Use no effort, but simply see the picture very clearly and declare for its presence. Never look for results from treatment; for if you do you will not find them. This is in accordance with law, for what you look for you know that you do not have and are only trying to fool yourself into thinking that you do have. Treatment is not a process of hypnotism; it is a process of self- knowing; and if you really know you will be sure to demonstrate. Treatment is the art, the science and process of systematically inducing within consciousness concepts of definite desires as already accomplished facts and experiences in life. RESIST NOT When Jesus said "Resist not evil," He meant that non-recognition of evil is the only way to avoid it. This is true according to the law of cause and effect; for what we persist in recognizing, we persist in holding in place. That which we non-recognize, we neutralize, and it is no longer there, so far as we are concerned. In making a demonstration, don't try to demonstrate; for demonstrations are not made through effort, because this would contradict one of the fundamental principles of the universe, which is the Self-Existence of Causation. In other words, nothing can come before that which is, consequently everything must come out of that which is; and within that which is, is the inherent possibility of that which is to be. All things exist as a potentiality, as a possibility, now. "I Am Alpha and Omega." Try to get a recognition of your desire and pass the whole thing over to Mind, and let It operate. Just know that the desire is already a fact, and quietly say to yourself, as often as the thought comes into mind: "It is done." The lighter the thought is, the less care or worry over it, the better. The best work is done when the element of struggle is entirely left out. HEALING A MISUNDERSTANDING Suppose one says: "I have had a terrible misunderstanding with a friend of mine and it has come to a point where we do not even speak to each other." What is the fundamental error which has brought about this condition? A lack of the realization of the Unity of all life, a belief in duality. Destroy this belief in duality; recognize that there is but One Mind; see God in each, and the trouble will be healed. We all live in the One Mind of God. FATE If one believes in fate he must be healed of this thought, for there is no such thing as fate. If one believes that planetary forces have anything to do with life he must be healed of this thought. Break down everything except the recognition of the One Perfect Power, which is not contingent upon any place, person, condition, time of year, or anything but Itself. A demonstration is made when it comes through straight from the Truth. The one who wishes to make a demonstration must first clear up his own subjective atmosphere; the reason being that he may be objectively making statements which his subjective thought may be denying. In this way we often neutralize our word as fast as it is spoken. A treatment is scientific in that it is the act of inducing into Subjectivity ideas which neutralize false images of thought and which let the Truth come through into expression. The reason that we need such a science is that we do not have a perfect faith; for if we had a perfect faith we would have washed clean the subjective thought and no doubts would be there. Until the time comes when one can say to the sick, "Get up and walk," and have them do so; or say, "There is money," and have it appear, he must take the process of inducing thought for the purpose of accumulating a subjective belief in the things which he desires; this belief, as soon as it is complete, IS THE DEMONSTRATION. The demonstration takes place within and not without. ATTRACTION OF PERSONALITY One might say, "I have no personality with which to attract people." There is but One Person; this Person is manifested through every living soul. It is radiant, vibrant, dynamic; It is The Personality; It is Complete; It is, It is. The ones to whom we are the most strongly attracted are not necessarily the ones who are the most beautiful physically; but are the ones from which we receive that subtle emanation, "that something." What is "that something"? It is not that which shows, but that which floats through from within. It is the inner recognition of Reality. The Conscious Living Foundation is proud to offer its recording of one of Ernest Holmes most famous books, "Creative Mind and Success". To learn more about the recording and hear several FREE selections on such topics as: - How to attract friends Just click Here. We are also pleased to announce the recent release of "Affirmations of Ernest Holmes" - a collection of 20 of Dr. The affirmations cover a wide range of topics from healing and excellent health, to increased abundance and prosperity, to a greater sense of unity and oneness with Spirit. These affirmations have been practiced by hundreds of thousands of people for decades and have been found to work with great effectiveness. To hear several free samples from this wonderful recording, please click Here. If you enjoy our inspirational stories and articles, be sure to visit our website for more: |
Affirmation: (Selection from The Conscious Word Daily Affirmation) |
News: A New Collection of Bath and Body Products
The Conscious Living Foundation is pleased to announce a new collection of healthy bar soaps, "SoapOne" - soap products with spirit. Available now at a special introductory price.
SoapOne products are designed with harmony and beauty in mind. One hundred percent vegetable soap with essential oils - the primary ingredients are: Palm Nut Oil, Palm Oil, and Palm Butter. Our new products are circular in shape and come in four unique flavors: Allure, Bloom, Reflection and Serenade. To find out more, click Here.
To see our full line of soaps, body scrubs, hand creams, room sprays and body creams, please click Here.
To visit the Bath and Body section of our catalog, which contains a wide variety of Bath Gift Sets, Perfumes, Women's Pajamas, Bathroom Decor Sets, Pillows, Head and Hair products and Cosmetics - please click Here.
Essay: The Burial of Grandmother Pony by Steve Roberts
When our beautiful grandmother pony became sick and died in a day recently, we were faced with our first horse burial. This meant calling our neighbor Peter Dodge to dig a hole and place grandmother in it. Peter is about as kind a fellow as you’ll ever meet. He’s also a master of the backhoe, probably able to tickle your chin with its toothy bucket as easily as he can lay a water line to specs. Still, this job was about a lot more than moving some earth no matter how precisely. This was a sacred event: the burial of a being whose nose on your heart could solve more problems than the United Nations; a former dressage queen on whose Barcalounger back so many of the children who visit our farm have felt a confidence and joy they experience nowhere else. That morning, as usual, 34 year old grandmother ate her grain with lip-smacking enthusiasm then stepped out of her stall for a day of grazing. Within an hour she was in distress: colic, an intestinal blockage that is right up there in the horse owner’s book of nightmares. By eleven the prognosis was bleak. By one we walked her to the apple tree in her paddock, where we planned to bury her. We kissed her goodbye and whispered our love as she was put down. We called Peter. While I don’t have strong opinions on what happens to my corpse when I die (it is, after all, just a spaceship that carries me around for a few years), the prospect of grandmother’s 800 pound carcass being manhandled, even inadvertently, as it was ‘laid to rest’ sparked feelings of dread. Wouldn’t you know, the universe used the occasion to introduce me, yet again, to the essence of life, this time through the meaning of conservation. Over the past couple of months I’ve spent hours chatting with Alec Webb, the delightful president of Shelburne Farms, an institution that, in the past 30 years, has become one of the world’s great exemplars of conservation and sustainability, comprising 1400 stunning acres on the shore of Lake Champlain here in Vermont. According to the patron saint of conservation, the late Aldo Leopold [1887-1948], conservation is humankind’s effort to understand and preserve the capacity of the land to renew itself—leading to a state of harmony between man and land. That harmony from a slightly larger perspective (beyond land alone) is the principle of sustainability: the practice of meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Among the traffic signs in my head is a refrain from Gandhi: “All virtue ceases to have use if it serves no purpose in every walk of life.” So as I hear from Alec the history and dreams of Shelburne Farms, I find myself contemplating a deeper meaning of both conservation and sustainability. Could they be, I wonder, principles that apply to more than animals, vegetables, minerals and the needs of society? Might they not also operate at the very core of human evolution—or, for the metaphysically inclined, at the heart of our relationship with the Divine? Whether our ‘walk of life’ relates to environmental technology, Shakespearean metaphors or riding a mechanical bull, isn’t what we’re ultimately conserving and sustaining an ever-greater awareness of the choices we make, why we make them, and their effect on ourselves and others? Does anything influence the vitality of humanity (including the health of the land) more than how awake we are to such choices? In his seminal book, A Sand County Almanac, Aldo Leopold wrote, “As a land-user thinketh, so is he.” Substitute ‘person’ for ‘land-user’ and you reveal that deeper meaning I’m speaking of. Perhaps conservation and sustainability, then, are only incidentally about what goes on ‘out there’ in the world and in nature, and primarily about what goes on in our own mind and heart. Attention is destiny, you might say. One lovely example of the attention I celebrate most is what Peter Dodge brought to our lives that afternoon. Burying grandmother in her paddock, he pointed out, could contaminate the nearby underground stream that served our farm on its way down mountain to the rest of the world. A more harmonious location, we decided, was a pasture on the other side of the barn, a choice that meant dragging grandmother’s body a distance of about half a football field. Peter’s rig was one of those gigantic caterpillar-tread excavators with a long, elbowed arm and a bucket that could have held a barbershop quartet. He and I slipped a webbed tether around grandmother behind her front legs. A loop at the tether’s end was placed over one of the bucket’s teeth. Peter had already prepared the grave, wide and at least six feet deep with a soft angle of repose on the near end to make lowering grandmother as smooth as possible. Then, with the artistry of those who operate complex machinery as a natural extension of themselves, Peter gently and gradually, a few feet at a time, pulled grandmother to the place where her flesh and bones would nourish her favorite field of clover. Only at the very end as Peter settled grandmother pony onto the grave floor did her body buckle in an awkward pose. Like a man on fire, Peter leapt off the excavator and into the grave to help me reposition grandmother’s head and hindquarters. I and my family nested her muzzle with hay and grain and apples, then Peter, back on the excavator, began lightly sprinkling grandmother with soil until she was completely covered. Only then did he replace the earth in large quantities. I’ve never been to a funeral I’ll remember more than grandmother pony’s, such a visceral reminder that the harmony of man and land originates in the balance of our own mind and heart.
To find out more about Steve, see examples of his stone sculptures or read a chapter from his book, click Here. Steve Roberts is the author of Cool Mind Warm Heart, a collection of essays, stories, and photographs of stone sculptures he builds on his Vermont farm. He can be found on the web at CoolMindWarmHeart.com and at TheHeartOfTheEarth.com. If you enjoy our inspirational stories and articles, be sure to visit our website for more: |
News: The Conscious Word and Conscious Wisdom are Now Available With A 2 Week FREE Trial |
The Conscious Word is an email newsletter sent directly to you each day. Each issue contains an inspirational affirmation designed to help uplift your spirits and support your conscious efforts at personal and spiritual growth and development. By practicing the affirmation which we email to you, for 3 to 4 minutes a day, you create an effective tool that will help you experience an ongoing positive change in your life. We all “know” many things. However, “knowing” something, in and of itself, does not make it “true” to us. We can read all about oranges; we can look at pictures of oranges and we can talk to people who have eaten oranges. But, until we taste the orange ourselves, we do not truly understand the full truth about what an orange is. Likewise, we can experience the “truth”, the real nature, of many more subtle and essential concepts by “tasting” them. One of the capabilities of an affirmation is to provide us with a “taste” of the subject matter of the affirmation. However, something else is also at work in an affirmation. One of the secrets of the universe is that when a human believes something is so, it becomes what he or she believes. Jesus said “Verily I say unto you, if ye have faith and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, `Be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea,' it shall be done. And all things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” (Book of Matthew verses 21 and 22) The key words in this quote are “If ye have faith and doubt not..” and “all things whatsoever ye shall ask believing..” Jesus is describing this receptivity of the universe to human belief. However, there are requirements for this belief to be effective. Jesus says we must have “faith” without doubt and that we must “believe” as we ask. James Allen’s famous premise “As a man Thinketh, so it is” expresses this same truth. In essence, when we become utterly convinced of the truth of something, which means we have absolutely no doubts about it, the universe will be molded and shaped to match our conviction. The challenging part is to find a way to become convinced of something that is not yet actualized. To cultivate our faith. This is where affirmations can help. By taking a thought or collection of thoughts and impressing them deeply upon the mind with persistence and concentration, a conviction can be cultivated. Developing our own personal convictions, especially about ourselves, and then deepening and persisting in those convictions is a major key to our health, happiness and success in life. For More Information, an example issue and A Two Week Free Trial, Click Here. After your 2 week free trial, our normal subscription rate is $3.50 each month.
In addition, CLF is pleased to announce the introduction of our newest Daily Conscious Wisdom is an email newsletter sent directly to you each day. Each issue contains inspirational guidance and wisdom designed to help uplift your spirits and support your conscious efforts at personal and spiritual growth and development. We're offering a Two Week Free Trial subscription, so that you can experience personally how Conscious Wisdom can help change your life. The regular monthly subscription costs $3.50 each month. For More Information, an example issue and A Two Week Free Trial, Click Here. |
News: Gift Certificates Now Available - Give the gift of Spiritual Inspiration and Renewal |
![]() Your Gift Certificate can be printed out for your personal delivery, or it can be emailed directly. Our Gift Certificates are available in denominations from $5.00 to $1,000 and every product in our catalog is available for purchase with our CLF Gift Certificates. Click Here for more information. This time give the gift of a deeper spiritual life and increased personal growth. |
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News: Listening To Music Improves Your Health by Maggie Fox |
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Songs that make our hearts soar can make them stronger too, U.S. researchers reported on Tuesday. They found that when people listened to their favorite music, their blood vessels dilated in much the same way as when laughing, or taking blood medications. 'We have a pretty impressive effect,' said Dr. Michael Miller, director of preventive cardiology at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore. 'Blood vessel diameter improved,' he said in a telephone interview. 'The vessel opened up pretty significantly. You can see the vessels opening up with other activities such as exercise.' A similar effect is seen with drugs such as statins and ACE inhibitors. When blood vessels open more, blood flows more smoothly and is less likely to form the blood clots that cause heart attacks and strokes. Elastic vessels also resist the hardening activity of atherosclerosis. 'We are not saying to stop your statins or not to exercise but to add this to an overall program of heart health,' said Miller, who presented his findings to a meeting of the American Heart Association in New Orleans. Miller's team tested 10 healthy, non-smoking men and women, who were told to bring their favorite music. They spent half an hour listening to the recordings and half an hour listening to music they said made them feel anxious while the researchers did ultrasound tests designed to show blood vessel function. Compared to their normal baseline measurements, blood vessel diameter increased 26 percent on average when the volunteers heard their joyful music. Listening to music they disliked—in most cases in this group heavy metal—narrowed blood vessels by six percent, Miller said. Miller said he came up with the idea after discovering the laughter caused blood to literally flow more smoothly. 'I asked myself what other things make us feel real good, besides calories from dark chocolate of course. Music came to mind. ... It makes me feel real good,' he said. Most of the volunteers chose country music but Miller said the style is not so important as what pleases each individual. (Editing by Alan Elsner and Will Dunham) Copyright 2008 Reuters. |
News: New Product Line Added To Our Catalog: Spiritual Classical Music |
![]() This expanding selection of recordings are primarily performances by the acclaimed choral group Gloriae Dei Cantores. You will find selections by Renaissance masters, sacred music of Russia (including numbers by Rachmaninoff and Tchaikovsky), Palestrina, Brahms and Mozart. In addition, there are more traditional spiritual songs such as Amazing Grace, What A Friend We Have In Jesus and Simple Gifts. As always, free audio samples from each album are available for your download and enjoyment. Click Here for more information and lots of free samples. Spiritual encouragement can come in many forms - one of the most powerful are these recordings of the deep attunement and inspiration of these great masters. |
News: Is Your Family Being Manipulated by Mass Media? by Howard Davis | |
News: Your First Source For Everything -
In our attempt to offer new products and services which support your efforts at personal and spiritual growth,
The Conscious Living Foundation is now offering for the first time, a greatly expanded catalog of products. We hope, once you see our low prices, that you'll think of us as your first source for all your needs.
In addition to our Inspirational Products, we also now offer many other products which we all tend to purchase as part of our daily living. We now make available almost everything you can imagine – from candles,
incense, wind chimes, bird houses and angels to clocks, jewelry, kitchen supplies, tools and telephones.
It is our hope that you will consider our product catalog as your first source for these other purchases. Even if the product is not specifically inspirational, your purchase from us helps tremendously in our ability to remain in existence and continue to offer our other, more spiritually directed products and services.
To find our new catalog, just click the red “Products” button at the top of most pages of our website, or to explore the wide gamut of new products right now, just click Here.
1. A great newsletter Bill - thank you. I first read Lobsang Rampa in the 60"s and some of his other books but it was good to read the 1st chapter again. Linda, my wife, has just read Wattles essay about material success and liked it too. -- Bryan (From New Zealand)
Thanks Bryan - we appreciate the positive feedback. The second chapter of T. Lobsang Rampa's book is included in this edition of our newsletter. In addition, we've added a new article on material abundance as well. Enjoy the reading! - The Editor
2. Overall, it was a pleasure to read the newsletter; your style of writing is always very engaging.
For myself, your current contents layout was a bit disorganized, and left me feeling like there was "too much". From a practical stand point, I think I'd group the contents by category; news, essays, etc. I think people would find it much easier to traverse that way, and if you were to including a link to each item, I'm sure your readers would appreciate it. Sometimes a person only has a few minutes to spare and if something were to catch their eye, they could easily go directly to it. Unfortunately that would no doubt add more work to your no doubt, super busy schedule. -- Erica (From California)
Thank you for your suggestions Erica. Your idea to group the table of contents into categories made sense to us, so we've followed your advice for this issue of the newsletter. We look forward to feedback on whether this makes it easier. Regarding links to each article: As you're aware, there are actually 2 versions of the newsletter. We only email the table of contents to each subscriber. That email contains one link which connects to the complete newsletter contained on our website. We've discovered the hard way that if we place more than a few links in our email that is a trigger for many email applications to think the email is spam.
So, our solution is to only place one link in the actual email, but when you click that link and go to the complete email on our website, then each article listed in the table of contents contains a link to that specific article. I guess that's my long-winded way of saying we agree with you and the links to the articles do exist in the complete newsletter. Thanks again for the super suggestions! - The Editor
If you have any comments on the emails that we've received, the contents of our newsletter or any other matter of interest to our subscribers, please email us at: and we'll try to include your thoughts in our next newsletter.
Conscious Friends - Creating a World-Wide Spiritual Community
Tens of thousands of people visit The Conscious Living Foundation website. Married or single, male or female, youth or senior, we all appreciate having friends who share our common interest in personal and spiritual growth. As we learn and mature, many of us have realized that relationships are an important part of creating and maintaining a harmonious and uplifting life.
To that end, The Conscious Living Foundation is pleased to announce the formal launch of the Conscious Friends section of our website, in the hope that we all can find new like-minded friends, develop deeper relationships and work together to enhance our world.
Conscious Friends offers several excellent features designed to help us communicate with each other, including access to custom created profiles of spiritually oriented people, a wide range of stimulating and thought-provoking forums, public and private chat rooms, instant messaging and our own private and confidential internal email system.
However, the most valuable assets within Conscious Friends are the people who create the community. Even in its infancy, we have members from Croatia, Great Britain, Switzerland, India, South Africa, Nigeria, Canada, France, Mexico, New Zealand, Australia, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, Portugal, Oman and Norway, as well as all over the United States. And, our membership continues to grow every day. Don't miss this great opportunity to discover how wide-spread, optimistic and hopeful our global spiritual community really is.
Joined together we can create a world-wide Spirit village, a global community of high-minded individuals who can help uplift and serve each other and all our brothers and sisters hungry for a deeper meaning in their lives.
Membership is free, so we invite you to visit Conscious Friends and discover for yourself the great opportunities which await you - just click Here.
Appeal: We Depend On Your Donations -
The Conscious Living Foundation's only source of income is your donations and purchase of our products. If you enjoy our newsletter and website, if you receive inspiration and encouragement from our efforts, we urge you to make a donation to help sustain and grow this work.
By helping us, you are supporting the spiritual growth of the tens of thousands of people from all over the world, who regularly visit our website.
Click Here for more information. Thank you!
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or given to any other organization or individual. We respect your privacy.
News: New Alternative Energy Sources - Water Hyacinths |
MANILA, (IRIN) - Thanks to a local invention, lakeshore communities in the Philippines will soon begin using water hyacinths as an alternative source of fuel and organic fertiliser. 'The world is badly in need of raw materials for biomass fuel that we can grow easily even in places that we don't expect,' inventor Gonzalo Catan Jr told IRIN. The abundance of unwanted water lilies on the shores of Laguna de Bay—one of Southeast Asia's biggest fresh-water bodies—provided an opportunity for Catan to showcase his invention. The prize-winning technology recycles bio-waste into environment-friendly 'green charcoal', a compact solid fuel providing a good alternative to liquefied petroleum gas for cooking and possibly industry. The technology works by using a 'threader machine' to shred the water lilies. Next, enzyme-producing microbes are added and finally, the mixture of treated water lilies is put in the sun to dry. Organic fertiliser vermicast may also be produced from the lake's organic mud deposits but instead of microbes, earthworms are added to the mix. 'Water the mixture twice a week and let earthworms eat them [hyacinths],' Catan explained. Catan said it was important to produce organic fertiliser. 'That is the mistake of many countries, including the US. Production of bio-fuel goes now to feed cars instead of feeding cattle. Agriculture is also important,' he said. Working with communities Catan's company, Mapecon Green Charcoal Philippines Inc, was backed by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and local governments around Laguna de Bay. One of Mapecon's community partners is the municipality of Cardona in the province of Rizal. Cardona has eight island villages right at the heart of Laguna de Bay. According to one village chief, Balibago's Wilijandro Raymundo, the water lilies are especially abundant at this time of the year when the Amihan or cool northeast wind is blowing. 'They are very thick. They grow as high as the human waist, and they are very heavy. They must be occupying 100 hectares of Balibago shoreline. It's almost impossible to pass through,' Raymundo said. The water lilies will stay in Cardona's shorelines until April or May when the wind changes direction, Raymundo added. 'Our residents will be able to benefit a lot once we begin producing green charcoal,' Cardona's municipal planning officer Janet Ramos told IRIN. She said Catan had shown them an 'improvised stove' fuelled by green charcoal instead of the usual liquefied petroleum gas. The vermicast will also benefit farmers and small-holders, she added. 'We will look for a market for the products. That's part of our partnership. We will help in the marketing of the products that would be developed out of these otherwise nuisance plants,' DENR secretary Lito Atienza told reporters during the signing of the agreement with Mapecon. Nuisance plants Mapecon's project will also help the lakeshore residents simply by collecting the unwanted plants. Growing so tall and thick, the water lilies make navigation very difficult. 'We cannot go out to fish. The water lilies are blocking our way. It's difficult for our people to report to school or to the offices on the mainland,' Raymundo said. 'You can't just push them out of the way using bamboo poles. They have big roots,' Ramos added. As a result, travel time is doubled at this time of the year. The boats' engines are strained and more fuel is needed to reach neighbouring towns. A report by the Laguna Lake Development Authority—the government agency tasked to protect the lake and its surrounding environmental resources—shows that the accumulation of water lilies on shorelines was causing poor water circulation, destruction of fish pens and fish due to the death and decay of aquatic plants, and increased water loss due to excess transpiration. Copyright © IRIN 2008 The material contained on www.IRINnews.org comes to you via IRIN, a UN humanitarian news and information service, but may not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations or its agencies. |
Serial: A Romance of Two Worlds by Marie Corelli |
News: Special Discounts - This Holiday Season, Share The Spirit!
With the holiday season nearly upon us, if you're considering buying a gift for a friend or loved one, why not select gifts that can genuinely make a difference in their lives? This time, give books, candle holders, incense, gift certificates, hand made soaps, videos, spoken word CDs or a huge variety of other products that will continue to inspire and encourage throughout the year. To view our entire catalog of products, click Here.
For a unique gift, you might consider purchasing a subscription to one of our daily inspirational emails - Conscious Word (a daily affirmation) or Conscious Wisdom (a daily quotation). For only $3.50 a month you will be bringing new hope and assurance into every day of the lives of your loved ones.
We make buying even easier with our Special Product discounts. We have collected together some of our most popular spoken word audio CDs at tremendous savings. Click Here to see our great selection of best sellers and favorites. They include audio versions of your all time favorites, perfect to listen to while driving or exercising.
Deepen your practice of the techniques that bring new joy and hope into your life - and give the gift of a deeper spiritual life and increased personal growth. This holiday season share the Spirit!
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or given to any other organization or individual. We respect your privacy.
News: Exploring The Free Downloads Library of The Conscious Living Foundation |
One of the most popular sections of our website is our Free Downloads Library. It is made up of several sections which are updated on a continuous basis (Click on any underlined words to go directly to that section):
Titles include works by: James Allen, Emilie Cady, Catherine Ponder, Walter Lanyon, Charles Filmore, Wallace Wattles, Mary Baker Eddy, Florence Scovel Shin, Ernest Holmes, William Atkinson, Confucius, Aristotle, Henry David Thoreau, Herman Hesse, Signmund Freud, Ralph Waldo Trine, Thomas A Kempis, Rabindranath Tagore, Lao Tze, Paramahansa Yogananda, Krishnamurti, Kahlil Gibran, Buddha, Patanjali, Napoleon Hill, Mahatma Gandhi plus Literature by authors such as: Jules Verne, Mark Twain, Robert Louis Stevenson, a Sherlock Holmes Collection, Edgar Rice Burroughs, P.G. Wodehouse, Alexander Dumas, H.G. Wells, a Wizard of Oz Collection and hundreds of other titles!
(Lectures, Talks, Sermons, Recorded Comments, Classes and Workshops)
In addition, it contains recordings of works such as: The Book of Proverbs, The Game of Life by Florence Scovel Shin, The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran, The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A' Kempis, Practicing The Presence of God by Brother Lawrence, Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan, The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles, The Dialogs of St. Catherine of Siena and As a Man Thinketh and Byways To Blessedness by James Allen.
(Music and sounds from a variety of sources, styles and historical periods)
(Large variety of films and videos, historic and modern, documentary and talks)
Our Video section currently contains: The Ocean At Dusk - Guided Relaxation, A Biography of Mother Teresa, Meditation and Movement, Imagination Meditation, Laughter Meditation, Music for Meditation and Healing, A CNN Report on the Health Benefits of Meditation, A Biography of Mary Baker Eddy, A Man of God - An Interview with Leonard Ravenhill, Paramahansa Yogananda & Sri Yukteswar, Paramahansa Yogananda & Ramana Maharshi, Paramahansa Yogananda at Mt. Washington, Paramahansa Yogananda on a Walk In New York, Paramahansa Yogananda Demonstrating How To Sleep, Krishnamurti Talks on Freedom, Krishnamurti Talks on Life and Death, Krishnamurti Talks on Meditation and Krishnamurti Talks on World Suffering.
(Nature Pictures, Saints, Sages, Gurus, Mandalas, Chakras, Fine Art)
(Complete Plays, Radio Dramatizations, Books Read Aloud and Stories To Entertain The Entire Family - With a special collection for children)
Our audio classics are dramatic portrayals designed to primarily entertain, but with wholesome content that expresses positive values and that are suitable for the entire family to experience together. They include such titles as:
The Importance of Being Earnest, Treasure Island, A Tale of Two Cities, War of the Worlds, Abraham Lincoln, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Immortal Sherlock Holmes, Around The World In 80 Days, Pickwick Papers, Julius Caesar and Jane Eyre.
In addition, there is a special Children's Section containing dramatizations and readings especially created for younger children. They include such titles as: The Little Mermaid, Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp, Jack and The Bean Stalk, Puss and Boots, Blue Beard, Thumbelina, Cinderella, Twas the Night Before Christmas, Snowdrop and the 7 Dwarves, Robin Hood, The Golden Fleece, Beauty and The Beast, Rapunzel, King Arthur, Hansel and Gretel, Sleeping Beauty, The Emperor's New Clothes, The Magic Carpet and many, many more!
(Large Beautiful Pictures with Inspirational Quotes Suitable To Place on The Background of Your Computer Desktop or Screensaver Program.)
The images in this section of the newsletter are a few of the selections contained in our Wall Paper Download Library. To read the inspirational inscriptions, visit us by clicking "Wall Paper" above.
Let's share the gifts for which we are most grateful:
joy, wisdom, love and the means to increase them in our lives.
Click Here for our special discounts.
For a collection of affirmations, click Here.
For a large variety of inspiring quotations, click Here.
Let's share the gifts for which we are most grateful:
joy, wisdom, love and the means to increase them in our lives.
Click Here for our special discounts.
Essay: How Riches Come To You by Wallace D. Wattles
News: Conscious Money Circulation "Abundant Blessings"
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Let's share the gifts for which we are most grateful:
The Conscious Living Foundation is pleased to offer an original 2 CD recording of Kahlil Gibran's mystical masterpiece, "The Prophet". For complete details and samples from the recording, please click Here.
News: Two New Music CDs: "Soul Calls" and "Yoga Heart Healing"
YOGA HEART HEALING was created from the need to heal Anahata, the fourth chakra, considered the seat of universal love. Anahata is the color green. Our recording was created to support your practice of yoga, massage and other nurturing and healing activities.
Inspired by Dharma teachings from both Hindu and Buddhist wisdom, Yoga Heart Healing will open your heart chakra with its rich vibrant textures of soothing melodic transitions. - just click Here!
Essay: Patterns of Codependence (From CoDependents Anonymous - CODA 12 Step Program) | ||||||
News: New Audio CD - Embracing The Stillness - Lessons In Meditation
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or given to any other organization or individual. We respect your privacy.
Let's share the gifts for which we are most grateful:
joy, wisdom, love and the means to increase them in our lives.
Click Here for our special discounts.
Essay: Prayers Related To The 12 Steps
If you enjoy our inspirational stories and articles, be sure to visit our website for more: Articles on Personal Growth, Health and Positive Change - Click Here.
Let's share the gifts for which we are most grateful:
joy, wisdom, love and the means to increase them in our lives.
Click Here for our special discounts.
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All Contents Copyrighted, 2008, The Conscious Living Foundation