welcome to the conscious living foundation
The Conscious Living Foundation was created to encourage living with more awareness - to wake up to the joy and positive significance of each moment.
Regardless of how you are able to interact with CLF, whether through our quotations and affirmations, newsletter, telecourses, free e-books, prayer and affirmation pages, email, videos or CDs; we encourage you to join us. It is our intention to provide products and services, at prices that are within reach of everyone - that will in practical, pragmatic ways serve you on your path to growth.
The wisdom that we seek is already within us. All that is needed is the process of uncovering it. By joining the threads of our mutual wisdom, shared in a compassionate supportive way, deep positive growth is possible. To discover more about what CLF is, click Here.
Products and free downloads
The Conscious Living Foundation offers a very wide collection of free E-Books, Audio, Video, Music and Pictures; all designed to aid you in your efforts at spiritual and personal growth. For more details, see our "Downloads" links to your left.
In addition, we also offer a selection of products at very reasonable prices, created by us to inspire and encourage you regardless of your religion or creed. For more details, see our "Products" link to your left.

Wisdom of Ernest Holmes Vol. I: Selections From the writings and talks of Ernest Holmes in everyday language. Inspiring and clarifying!
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Conscious Wisdom: A daily email filled with inspiration and guidance; guaranteed to help change your life!
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CD - Creative Mind and Success by Ernest Holmes: "Man is just what he thinks himself to be... He will attract to himself, what he thinks most about. He can learn to govern his own destiny when he learns to control his thoughts."
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CD - The Affirmations of Ernest Holmes: Practice his most powerful affirmations and change your life. On audio CD for the first time.
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CD - As A Man Thinketh by James Allen - Listen to this masterpiece of personal growth and guidance while you walk, drive or exercise .... Read More

Free E-Books - Hundreds of inspirational and motivational E-Books expressing the wisdom and insight of all major religions and viewpoints, along with a huge collection of literature and family reading E-Books... Read More

Conscious Word - Free 15 day trial subscription to our popular daily email affirmation. Enhance your life through practicing an affirmation each morning. Topics include improved health, abundance and a deeper connection with spirit. Read More

CD - The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran - The poetic and lyrical expression of mystical wisdom and compassion now available on CD. Read More

New CD: Embracing The Stillness - Lessons In Meditation - Learn a variety of new meditation techniques and practice them in an hour long guided meditation.
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Free Photos: Visit our huge collection of free pictures of saints, sages and wise ones of all religions, along with images of sacred and holy sites around the world.
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New CD: Discovering Spirit - A collection of inspirational talks on the spiritual life along with a live guided meditation. Read More

CD - Byways To Blessedness by James Allen: The full exposition of the philosophy first expressed in As A Man Thinketh.
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The Conscious Word & Conscious Wisdom Discount Combo
Now is the time to discover our most popular daily affirmation newsletter combined with our newest daily inspirational email newsletter. Have a new affirmation and new guidance and inspiration emailed directly to you each morning. A perfect way to begin a productive and positive day! Click Here for details. Free 2 Week Trial Subscription Now Available!
Free Newsletter
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Personal Consultations and Life Coaching
If you are interested in having a personal consultation regarding the practice of meditation, affirmations, or other matters having to do with spiritual practice or personal growth, or just need help in getting your life back on track, please email us to talk about it. Telephone consultations are available for those who prefer to talk on the phone or who live outside the Southern California area. The cost of consultations is based on ability to pay. The initial discussion will be at no charge, so that everyone can determine whether the relationship can be of service. Please do not hesitate to call because of a lack of money - our goal is to help.