We Live In A Finished Kingdom - All Is Perfect!
We live in a Finished Kingdom. All that we could possibly want, need or desire is already in form . . . or in an idea that would create it. We have been told through the ages, “It is God’s good pleasure to give us the Kingdom.” We live in a friendly universe that is designed to support us. We are the direct descendants of the Infinite Source of All Good.
There is a place inside of you and me where this truth is alive and well. This place is the home of our Divine Nature. It is the source of our longing to experience a life of prosperity, affluence and fulfillment. This yearning is far more than an ego directive to be happy and successful in the world--although we usually are happy when living an Abundant Life. I believe it is a true calling by the God Presence within us to more completely express the truth of our being. This book is my invitation to you to let yourself feel that deep yearning from within to live fully expressed, fully supported by good health, abundant finances, rewarding and wholesome relationships, and abounding opportunities to give your unique gifts to others.
The 5 GIFTS I am sharing with you are based on the wisdom I have gleaned from the Divine Power I call God, the God that is within me and within you. You may not believe in God or even a Higher Power, or perhaps the God you know lives separate from you in the heavens, the animals, the plants or the seasons. Your God may have a different name . . . Spirit, Divine Intelligence, Intuition, Life, Sacred Heart, Allah, Mana, Krishna, or something else. When I use the term God I am referring to the Invisible Spirit that takes great pleasure in “giving us the Kingdom.” (Please read these pages using whatever name you wish for the One Source.)
If we were to recognize that God is Whole, Perfect and Complete, it would be impossible to attribute any idea of lack, limitation, disease, pain or poverty to Spirit. If we were to further recognize that we are divine expressions of God we could also deduce that we would be out of alignment with our spiritual natures if we entertain any ideas of lack or limitation.
I suggest we do recognize and fully accept these premises, realizing that it is our very nature to be the Abundance of God. (To be the Abundance of God means to believe in, to trust, to express and to know ourselves as the Abundance of God.)
When we agree to the premise that we are expressions of God’s Abundance, what do we do with the old beliefs we have put our faith in up until now? What can we do with those beliefs that have repeatedly demonstrated themselves in our lives as experiences of “less than enough” of what we truly desire—financial hardship (money), illness (health), co-dependent and unsatisfactory relationships (love of self and others), and unfulfilling jobs that just pay the bills (fulfillment in careers that showcase our gifts and talents), to name a few.
We simply let them go. Knowing that we have tried every which way to “make them work,” we finally allow ourselves to let go of them. We release all of those limiting ideas and beliefs with love. And we release them with gratitude for the ways in which they have served us, both consciously and unconsciously, up until now. By releasing our limiting beliefs we reclaim the power they have had over our lives. We free ourselves from the illusion of not enough.
The process of freeing ourselves from this illusion has all the elements of an adventurous journey. This book is a guide for that journey - from these limiting beliefs into a consciousness of wealth. It is the greatest journey life has to offer because of the transformational gifts we receive along the way. There are five of them . . . hence the title of this book, 5 GIFTS for an Abundant Life.
The word GIFTS is an acronym for the five principles we encounter on our journey: Gratitude, Intentions, Forgiveness, Tithing and Surrender. I call them GIFTS because these spiritual principles open us to an awareness of the abundance that is our Divine Nature. When we receive the 5 GIFTS we move from our limited mental understanding (in the mind of our minds) of these rich spiritual principles to a full acceptance and intuitive knowing of them (in the Mind of our Hearts). At one and the same time, that journey from head to heart is the shortest and the most fantastic journey of our lives. By shifting our focal point from the mind of the mind (the rational thinker) to the Mind of the Heart (our intuitive Knower), we are re-routing our perception of everything, including our definitions of ourselves. This journey moves us from lack thinking to abundance knowing, from apparent separation from our Source to acceptance of our divine destiny as God’s living revelation of infinite supply and unconditional love.
Gratitude . . . Intentions . . . Forgiveness . . . Tithing . . . Surrender. Why these particular GIFTS? Because each of these GIFTS has been carefully “test driven” for the power to shift consciousness. The ancient and modern mystics alike, no matter what their root tradition, have consistently named these five principles as essential disciplines of any spiritual practice. We can use these spiritual principles to change our beliefs and, as a direct result, we will change the experiences in our lives.
We have the power as spiritual beings to transmute the appearances of the conditions we see about us. In other words, we can use our inner eyes and ears to see and hear beyond what is delivered by our five senses. But how do we access these inner senses? By putting the 5 GIFTS into practice—that is, by receiving and giving them.
Gratitude, Intentions, Forgiveness, Tithing and Surrender have the power to transform our experience of life, allowing us to consciously connect with the vast invisible realm that lies beyond the finite, “sense-able” world. These 5 GIFTS enable us (without denying, minimizing or overriding any of the facts of our three-dimensional reality) to embrace the multidimensional Reality of Life. In this Reality we are not distracted by the “appearances” of the human condition. In this consciousness we are immersed in Divine Wisdom and we know who we truly are. We are Spirit . . . Love, Beauty, Harmony, Joy, Abundance, Peace.
The time is at hand for us to make this leap of consciousness from lives run by self-limiting beliefs based on sensory information to lives run by our souls’ vision of what is possible. It is time to make the journey from the mind of the mind to the Mind of the Heart. Our destination, which we will discover to be our greatest joy, is to know that we are already living in the Finished Kingdom.
My intention is to empower you to receive and accept the 5 GIFTS as the vehicle for your journey. I invite you to release any idea that your journey has to be hard or that you’re not strong enough, smart enough, young enough, old enough, enlightened enough or good enough to begin. If you, instead, live in the expectancy that this transformational trip is going to be fun and joy-filled . . . what a gift you will be giving to yourself!
With Abundant Blessings,
Rev. Diane Harmony