Quotations On Change
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Motion or change, and identity or rest, are the first and second secrets of nature: Motion and Rest. The whole code of her laws may be written on the thumbnail, or the signet of a ring. Ralph Waldo Emerson All things change, nothing is extinguished.... There is nothing in the whole world which is permanent. Everything flows onward; all things are brought into being with a changing nature; the ages themselves glide by in constant movement. Ovid A sense of blessedness comes from a change of heart, not from more blessings. Mason Cooley |
We all now understand the power of practicing Affirmations. We can take control of our lives by taking control of our thoughts. This collection of 20 affirmations on CD, gives you the powerful thought seeds that you can cultivate through daily practice. Turn your driving time into productive time and change your life! Affirmations That Work - $14.95
The great soul is the person who has taken on the task of change. If he or she is able to transcend fear, to act out of courage, the whole of its group will benefit and each one, in his or her own life, will be suddenly more courageous, though they may not see how or why.
Gary Zukav All Changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another. Anatole France In the great and deep qualities of mind, heart, and soul, there is no change. Homer and Solomon speak to the same nature in man that is reached by Shakespeare and Lincoln. but in the accidents, the surroundings, the change is vast. All things now are mobile—movable. Rutherford Hayes It is easier to move rivers and mountains than to change a person’s basic nature. Chinese Proverb Thou art no better than a straw. If thou canst fly in the air Thou art no better than a fly. Conquer thy heart That thou mayest become somebody Ansari |
You already know that practicing affirmations is a great way of improving your health, increasing your happiness and awakening your receptivity to prosperity and all the good you desire in your life. Now The Conscious Living Foundation has created a new method of supporting you in your efforts. The Conscious Word contains an inspiring affirmation, with instructions on how to practice it, emailed directly to you each day of the year. By practicing the affirmation which we email to you for 3 to 4 minutes a day, you create an effective tool that will help you experience an ongoing positive change in your life. Now is the time to make a new effort to take control of your life with just one small step toward the positive changes you've been seeking. For more information and an example issue, just click Here. Everything in life that we really accept undergoes a change. So suffering must become Love. That is the mystery. Katherine Mansfield Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Bible: New Testament, Matthew 18:3 The higher the mountain on which you stand, the less change in the prospect from year to year, from age to age. Above a certain height there is no change. Henry David Thoreau ... disconnecting from change does not recapture the past. It loses the future. Kathleen Norris Desperation is the raw material of drastic change. Only those who can leave behind everything they have ever believed in can hope to escape. William Burroughs The Self appears to change its location The Amritabindu Upanishad |
It's time to read this inspiring collection of spiritual poetry written by the founder and Director of The Conscious Living Foundation, William Simpson. From The Path - Verses on the Mystic Journey - $11.99. Find out why the critics are saying, "...sheer joyful wisdom, wonder, warmth and wild beauty... The language is stunning... I think From The Path is more than just a book of poems. It is a way of thinking and being that comes from our connection with language and the power of words." - BookIdeas.com "A spiritual bullet that will penetrate your soul with excitement for the written word.. poems filled with inspiration about... faith, love and beliefs. An appealing book of wisdom... a wonderful gift or tool for your own soul searching." - Midwest Book Review |
Proverbial wisdom counsels against risk and change. But sitting ducks fare worst of all. Mason Cooley What, then, is the true Gospel of consistency? Change. Who is the really consistent man? The man who changes. Since change is the law of his being, he cannot be consistent if he stick in a rut. Mark Twain I do dimly perceive that whilst everything around Mahatma Gandhi The One remains, the many change and pass; Percy Bythshe Shelley |
Change has considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better. Obviously, then, one’s character and frame of mind determine how readily he brings about change and how he reacts to change that is imposed on him. King Whitney Jr.
"And what is it to work with love? It is to weave the cloth with threads drawn from your heart even as if your beloved were to wear that cloth. It is to build a house with affection even as if your beloved were to dwell in that house. It is to sow seeds with tenderness and reap the harvest with joy even as if your beloved were to eat the fruit. It is to charge all things you fashion with the breath of your own spirit..." Kahlil Gibran - from "The Prophet" Listen to Kahlil Gibran's masterpiece on CD. Envelope yourself in its mystical poetic wisdom instead of listening to the radio and see the difference in your own life. The Prophet Unabridged - $19.98 (Two CD set)
How can we help a child change from undependable to dependable, from a mediocre student to a capable student, from someone who won’t amount to very much to someone who will count for something. The answer is at once both simple and complicated: We treat a child as if he already is what we would like him to become. Haim Ginott Personal change, growth, development, identity formation—these tasks that once were thought to belong to childhood and adolescence alone now are recognized as part of adult life as well. Gone is the belief that adulthood is, or ought to be, a time of internal peace and comfort, that growing pains belong only to the young; gone the belief that these are marker events—a job, a mate, a child—through which we will pass into a life of relative ease. Lillian Breslow Rubin |
Florence Scovel-Shin remains an outstanding proponent of the power of thought. Throughout this recording, examples of positive thoughts and the influence they have on our life's experiences, are laid out in entertaining, inspiring detail. As Dr. Norman Vincent Peale said "The Game of Life is filled with wisdom and creative insights. That its teachings will work I know to be fact for I've long used them myself." The Game of Life - $19.98 (2 CD Set) |
Thus change the forms of being. Thus arise William Cullen Bryant Change is the only constant. Hanging on is the only sin. Denise McCluggage
Change alone is unchanging. Heraclitus Change begets change. Nothing propagates so fast. If a man habituated to a narrow circle of cares and pleasures, out of which he seldom travels, step beyond it, though for never so brief a space, his departure from the monotonous scene on which he has been an actor of importance would seem to be the signal for instant confusion.... The mine which Time has slowly dug beneath familiar objects is sprung in an instant; and what was rock before, becomes but sand and dust. Charles Dickens All is change in the world of the senses, The Shvetashvatara Upanishad |
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