“The Sacred Rivers of India"

A Guided Meditation Video DVD - $19.90



Pictures From The Video:



The Video:

This artistically and thoughtfully crafted video is a self-development tool that will help you discover meditation as a delightful experience of beauty and spiritual enjoyment.  Used daily, or occasionally, you will emerge from this audio-visual interlude, saturated with the relaxing sounds and images of India, feeling refreshed, relaxed and peaceful.

This self-development program took 7 years to complete, and is based on, and initiates you into, an ancient meditation technique which has been extensively researched and scientifically validated by Harvard University.  (Harvard is not in any way connected to this particular self-development program.)

Integrating western psychology with eastern meditation, this video offers a unique and very satisfying experience of beauty and peace. A distinguishing feature of this video is the flexibility it gives you to choose from several different sessions, ranging in length from 10 to 50 minutes - thus permitting it to be easily integrated into your daily activities without intrusion.

The Creator

Juan Pablo Girardi, the creative force behind this video, is a man of many talents and skills.  He is a Civil engineer, businessman, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, video-director and producer, cognitive therapist, biofeedback practitioner, neurofeedback practitioner and above all a gifted teacher.   In addition, he has practiced spiritual disciplines including yoga meditation, affirmations, chanting and practicing the presence for more than 20 years.

Juan Pablo has a gift for communicating complex subjects in simple, practical terms that allow those with less education and training, to understand and apply them rapidly. He has taught Mathematics, Physics, Descriptive Geometry, Spanish, Parenting, Psychology, Nutrition, Hatha Yoga and Spiritual Psychology. From early childhood Juan Pablo has been an avid reader with a burning desire for knowledge and wisdom. His accumulated knowledge, clinical and teaching experience, his people oriented personality, and his passion to help and serve, make Juan Pablo a unique and unconventional clinician, teacher and video maker.

Videography was initially Juan Pablo's hobby, but after ten years it has become a professional endeavor to extend his work and help more people. The "Sacred Rivers of India" reflects the subtleties and overcomes the challenges of inducing altered states through beauty and harmony. 
It is a visual delight with pictures from some of the most beautiful and exotic rivers on earth.

This DVD video is an integration and unification of his experience in both psychology and Spirit and offer a unique guided meditational experience - moving from the beauty of the subject matter, through a relaxing and calming pace and style to a still center discovered and expanded into a deeper wisdom and love.


Free Video Samples

Samples are in RealMedia (rm) and Windows (wmv) Formats - The DVD is in a much higher resolution.

 Dakshiniswar - RealMedia    Dakshiniswar - Windows   Dakshiniswar - RealMedia (Higher Res)
Jamuna - RealMedia        Jamuna - Windows      Jamuna - RealMedia (Higher Res)
Sacred Moment 1 - RealMedia      Sacred Moment 1 - Windows
Sacred Moment 2 - RealMedia       Sacred Moment 2 - Windows
Surrender 1 - RealMedia      Surrender 1 - Windows
Surrender 2 - RealMedia     Surrender 2 - Windows       Surrender 2 - Windows (Higher Res)


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Payment is made either by Credit Card through the use of PayPal, as described below, or by check made payable to "CLF" and mailed to:

Conscious Living Foundation

1110 Oberlin Drive

Glendale, CA 91205

The DVD will be shipped upon verification of payment. 

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If you prefer to pay for our product through the use of a credit card, please click the "Buy" button.

PRICE: $19.90   QUANTITY:      


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"The Sacred Rivers of India" Guided Meditation Video DVD - $19.90


Note:  Orders in California are subject to Sales Tax of 8.25%

Shipping is by Air Letter Post for shipments outside the U.S. (4 - 7 days). 


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