Our Teachers - Elaine McBroom |
Elaine McBroom is an often sought after Hypnotherapist, counselor and international seminar leader. She has been an NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming, the science of excellence) Master Practitioner for over 6 years and is a Hypnotherapist in Residency at Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI) in Tarzana, California, the only federally approved hypnosis college in the country. HMI has a one-year training program specifically on hypnotherapy. Elaine has had a wide variety of life experience. She has had more than eight careers including business owner, Realtor, antique dealer and caterer to the television commercial industry. She began her spiritual and recovery journey in 1990 at Co-Dependence Anonymous where she discovered that “money isn’t everything” and she is “enough, just as she is”. She attended and received certification through Mission College’s choice 2-year Chemical Dependency Counseling program and spent six months as a volunteer counselor at Salvation Army’s Rehabilitation Center. As a founding partner in Success Design International, a NLP training organization, she became certified as a NLP Practitioner and then Master Practitioner. She learned from leading NLP trainers from throughout the world. Elaine became an expert at Timeline Therapy ™, Parts Integration, Belief Changes and many other powerful tools, which have helped dozens of people change what isn’t working or useful in their lives into productive, dynamic beliefs, behaviors and results. In addition to 12 years in CoDA after leaving a 15-year relationship, Elaine’s journey has included her own work in grief recovery, therapy, group therapy, psychodrama and family sculpting. Elaine’s commitment to personal and spiritual growth encompasses the personal application of tools and techniques learned in a myriad of workshops and seminars including The Living Course (facing and challenging beliefs and unconscious behaviors that no longer provide useful results), and Rocamora School’s Personal Journey, Transpersonal Journey and Advanced Journey (a four year journey discovering and releasing inner dialogue, stories and patterns that create ineffectual life scripts and learning to stay in the moment with love and an open heart). As she continues her life adventure, Elaine considers each interaction with another person, whether one-to-one, or in a group, to be a blessing. She believes that we attract exactly those situations we need in order to learn and grow; and that each individual brings a new learning to her life and adds to her understanding of herself through the reflection of who she is in the world. Elaine maintains a Hypnotherapy practice at HMI. . |
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