The Introductory Workshops and How They Work
Introductory Workshop:

Introductory workshops are being held at several locations around the Los Angeles area.  Please call or email for the next date and location.

The Introductory Workshop is presented at no charge and generally lasts about two hours with an informal social period for an additional hour.

During the workshop, we attempt to create something of the experience and feel of the regular workshops within the Fundamentals of Conscious Living series.  It is also an exploration of whether the series would be of genuine interest and service to you through an initial exploration of your interests and motivation in attending the Introductory Workshop.  The Workshop is consistent with the principles and process described below.

The CLF Workshop process and principles:

There are two primary threads which define the way the CLF workshops function.  They are (1) the use of questions and answers and (2) the process of vulnerable sharing.  

If the discussions that we have during the workshops remain mere intellectual exercises, little of real value will have been learned.  In order for learning to take place, the issues we explore must be internalized; they must become part of our living experience.

Several requirements must be met for this to take place.  

Increasing Vulnerability -
First, our barriers must be lowered; perhaps a little at first, but gradually reducing them more and more.  Most of us walk around with our defenses up.  We learned as little children, that our vulnerability was an open invitation for others to hurt our feelings.

The duty to be invulnerable runs deep within some cultures.  As an example, at least in most western societies, we have learned that being a man requires an impenetrable wall around our feelings.  Men should never show their feelings or perhaps even admit they have them.

This social indoctrination and protectiveness of our childlike selves has become so habitual that generally, we no longer know that we have barriers.

However, these same barriers prevent us from experiencing significant portions of our life and inhibit us from communicating from and to our deeper selves.

In the workshops, through the gradual process of speaking from a deeper place within ourselves, we discover, in ever increasing ways, that we are safe to communicate from our hearts, to share our tenderest thoughts and feelings and that to do so rewards us and those around us.

Vulnerability converts from being a weakness to a positive tool for growth.

A Safe Environment -
A sense of safety and support is essential for this growth to take place.  This sense of a protected, sacred place is created by all of us, to our mutual benefit.  When we know that we are safe and will be nurtured rather than hurt, everything flows toward deepening awareness.

Sharing -
When we feel that the environment is safe and nurturing and our barriers naturally start to be reduced, we allow into ourselves, for the first time, a tremendous receptivity to real learning - real, personal experience.  And, the experiences that enter are ones centering on the core, unanswered issues that we have been able to avoid in the past:  Who am I, really?  What is the purpose and meaning of my life?  How can I find genuine, lasting satisfaction?

In addition to the benefits we obtain from being open in our sharing, there are also tremendous benefits from participating in the sharing of others.

What a weight off our shoulders, when we finally realize that we are not alone in our fears, burdens, uncertainties and insights!  When our barriers are down to listen, we are able to learn from other people's experiences.  A genuine connection grows between the members of a workshop that allows us to deepen our understanding through the lessons we learn from each other's feelings, thoughts and experiences.

Finally, sometimes, the group begins to take on a consciousness of its own.  As the separate individuals in the group, begin to express their inner perception of the answers to the questions being asked, the answer begins to evolve as we take turns talking about it.  And, as the answer evolves, relevant parts of the deeper answer integrates within each one of us.

Using Questions -
Generally, we learn more and faster when we discover answers within ourselves, rather than having the answers inserted into our consciousness.  This is the basis for the Socratic Method.  

The essence of the process used within the CLF workshops is that the facilitator will ask a question to one of the members of the workshop.  We try to limit our answers to no more than 3 or 4 minutes so that everyone has an opportunity to answer.  After everyone has answered, then new questions growing from the prior answers are asked and answered in the same manner, leading to a sense of mutual exploration, discovery and insight.

The wisdom that we all seek is already within us.  All that is needed is the process of uncovering it.  By joining the threads of our mutual wisdom, shared in a compassionate, supportive, directed way, deep positive growth is possible.

Workshop Topics -
The central topic around which the questions evolve varies from session to session.  A partial list of workshop topics is contained on the Workshops page.

Quotations -
Often the seeds for discussion will revolve around one or more quotations.  Some of those quotations are contained on the Quotations page.  As a simple practice, take a quotation that you enjoy and write your interpretation and feelings about it.  There is usually a seed of insight hiding there waiting for you, planted by a master from the past.