Class Topic:  Personal Storytelling  

As far back as the beginning of human history people have told stories. Mythology, legends, fables, and parables have all originated from the individual accounts of men and women. From ancient times when people huddled around a campfire, to today's storyteller nights at neighborhood cafes, people want to recount and share in the personal journeys of other people.

It is through the art of communication that we leave behind the wisdom and experience of our journey through life.

We all tell stories about events that have happened to us - stories that have taught us something about ourselves, or affected us in some special way. In this class you will learn how to tell a story, in a humorous or dramatic way, that will communicate to an audience your emotions, observations, and what you have learned, with clarity and distinctness.

As part of the class, you will write down these stories and begin to accumulate them. For those students who are interested, this collection of stories can create for the performer the foundation for a one-person show or autobiographical presentation.

Occasionally we will go out to a storyteller's night at a local café, and when individual students are ready they will have the opportunity to perform at the venue.

Ongoing small to large workshop
Our Classes and Teachers
Note:  The teacher wants to limit the size of this class to 6 to 18 Students.  

The fee for the class is $25 for each session.  Each session will last for 1.5 hours.

This class meets on Saturdays, from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in Studio City..

For complete details on where this class is being held, fees, methods of payment, directions and enrollment, please click Here

Creative Writing
What is CLF
Teacher - Michael D. Nye