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Welcome To Conscious Friends
March 22, 2009
Hello and welcome to Conscious Friends, a community of The Conscious Living Foundation!
As you know, our site was created to support those interested in spiritual and personal growth. Along the way, many of us have realized that relationships are an important part of creating and maintaining a harmonious and uplifting life.
To that end, The Conscious Living Foundation is pleased to offer these pages on our site in the hope that we all can find new like-minded friends and perhaps develop deeper relationships.
There are several ways to visit these pages.� As a...more
50 Benefits of Meditation
June 17, 2008
Meditation literally means, "thinking process with present moment awareness".
1.) To have healthy heart.
2.) To have normal blood pressure.
3.) To have normal cholesterol.
4.) To prevent stroke / paralysis.
5.) To have perfect digestion.
6.) To have perfect weight.
7.) To have perfect sleep.
8.) To become a perfect choice maker.
9.) To reverse and regress ageing.
10.) To remain young.
11.) To prevent cancer.
12.) To become embodiment of positive emotions.
13.) To get rid of negative emotions. more
Is Consciousness Energy?
June 11, 2008
If you tune into someone's "vibrations," are you picking up some form of energy they are emitting - perhaps something we might call "psychic energy?"
It may be tempting to think so . . . to think of consciousness as a form of energy. But is it?
What might be going on when we say we feel someone's vibrations?
Well, one possibility is that their brain or their body could be sending out waves of energy - something, perhaps, like electricity. If so, it must be far more subtle than any form of energy known to...more
100 Ideas for Creating a More Peaceful World
May 20, 2008
Creating world peace takes many forms, but surely it begins with individuals. Here are 100 ideas for creating a more peaceful world. Everyone can play a part in creating peace. It continues to be the most significant challenge of humankind and requires the efforts of each of us.
[The list contains only 97 Ideas because I removed broken links to defunct websites.
You can bring it back to 100 Ideas by adding your own for Creating a More Peaceful World!
When you do, take a moment to post your additions on the Conscious...more
Recipe for Simplicity
May 6, 2008
"Simplify, Simplify…" More than a century after Henry David Thoreau uttered these words, his plea for simplicity has more significance now than ever before.
We work hard and play hard, filling nearly every moment with activity. Most families believe they need two incomes to pay for a standard of living that has doubled in the last 50 years. But do we?
Based on my three-year study of over 200 people who have simplified their lives, I found that we can work less, want less, and spend less, and be happier and more fulfilled in the process.
Here are ten...more
Spiritual Diversity
April 29, 2008
To our pre-Christian spiritual ancestors, spirituality was both contemporary and relevant. In cultures where polytheism (the belief in many gods) was the rule, rather than the exception, individuals were given the ability to find their own beliefs and to choose their own spiritual paths based upon their personal needs and the calling of their own hearts. Households had specific deities that represented the prosperity and protection that the family hoped for their home. Agricultural festivals had gods that watched over the planting, the growing crops, and the harvest. This diverse pantheon of deities created a culture where a person would draw closest to the god...more
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Welcome To Conscious Friends
March 22, 2009
Hello and welcome to Conscious Friends, a community of The Conscious Living Foundation!
As you know, our site was created to support those interested in spiritual and personal growth. Along the way, many of us have realized that relationships are an important part of creating and maintaining a harmonious and uplifting life.
To that end, The Conscious Living Foundation is pleased to offer these pages on our site in the hope that we all can find new like-minded friends and perhaps develop deeper relationships.
There are several ways to visit these pages.� As a...more
50 Benefits of Meditation
June 17, 2008
Meditation literally means, "thinking process with present moment awareness".
1.) To have healthy heart.
2.) To have normal blood pressure.
3.) To have normal cholesterol.
4.) To prevent stroke / paralysis.
5.) To have perfect digestion.
6.) To have perfect weight.
7.) To have perfect sleep.
8.) To become a perfect choice maker.
9.) To reverse and regress ageing.
10.) To remain young.
11.) To prevent cancer.
12.) To become embodiment of positive emotions.
13.) To get rid of negative emotions. more
Is Consciousness Energy?
June 11, 2008
If you tune into someone's "vibrations," are you picking up some form of energy they are emitting - perhaps something we might call "psychic energy?"
It may be tempting to think so . . . to think of consciousness as a form of energy. But is it?
What might be going on when we say we feel someone's vibrations?
Well, one possibility is that their brain or their body could be sending out waves of energy - something, perhaps, like electricity. If so, it must be far more subtle than any form of energy known to...more
100 Ideas for Creating a More Peaceful World
May 20, 2008
Creating world peace takes many forms, but surely it begins with individuals. Here are 100 ideas for creating a more peaceful world. Everyone can play a part in creating peace. It continues to be the most significant challenge of humankind and requires the efforts of each of us.
[The list contains only 97 Ideas because I removed broken links to defunct websites.
You can bring it back to 100 Ideas by adding your own for Creating a More Peaceful World!
When you do, take a moment to post your additions on the Conscious...more
Recipe for Simplicity
May 6, 2008
"Simplify, Simplify…" More than a century after Henry David Thoreau uttered these words, his plea for simplicity has more significance now than ever before.
We work hard and play hard, filling nearly every moment with activity. Most families believe they need two incomes to pay for a standard of living that has doubled in the last 50 years. But do we?
Based on my three-year study of over 200 people who have simplified their lives, I found that we can work less, want less, and spend less, and be happier and more fulfilled in the process.
Here are ten...more
Spiritual Diversity
April 29, 2008
To our pre-Christian spiritual ancestors, spirituality was both contemporary and relevant. In cultures where polytheism (the belief in many gods) was the rule, rather than the exception, individuals were given the ability to find their own beliefs and to choose their own spiritual paths based upon their personal needs and the calling of their own hearts. Households had specific deities that represented the prosperity and protection that the family hoped for their home. Agricultural festivals had gods that watched over the planting, the growing crops, and the harvest. This diverse pantheon of deities created a culture where a person would draw closest to the god...more
How to Argue...and Actually Improve Your Health
April 19, 2008
Is being nice bad for your health?
A recent study in the July report of Psychosomatic Medicine found that married women who bottled up their feelings after an argument were four times as likely to experience declining health as women who expressed their feelings openly.
This reluctance to express emotions and communicate openly is referred to as "self-silencing," and it has a devastating effect on our physical and emotional health. In fact, self-silencing has been linked to depression, eating disorders, and heart disease.
Despite these negative side effects, many couples still refrain...more
Spirituality Can Soothe Body and Soul
April 13, 2008
To stay healthy, you probably know that you need to eat right, get plenty of exercise and rest, and avoid bad habits such as smoking.
But, it might surprise you to learn that what you believe in can have a big impact on your health and longevity.
"There have been a lot of studies, and more are coming out all of the time, that show how patients with strong spirituality can improve their health from a variety of chronic conditions, like hypertension, heart disease, recovery from surgery and more," said Dr. Michael Torosian, a surgical oncologist at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia, and...more
Get Physical and Get Happy
April 10, 2008
Scrubbing the tub and other forms of housework may clean your house and boost your mood.
In fact, as little as 20 minutes of any kind of physical activity a week helped mental health, although the more vigorous the activity, the greater the benefit, said the authors of a study published online Thursday in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.
"There's such a pervasive feeling in this country that, if there's a problem, there's always a pill to fix it," said Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, director of Women...more
What Makes People Happy
March 24, 2007
The happiest people surround themselves with family and friends, don't care about keeping up with the Joneses next door, lose themselves in daily activities and, most important, forgive easily.
The once-fuzzy picture of what makes people happy is coming into focus as psychologists no longer shun the study of happiness. In the mid-'90s, scientific journals published about 100 studies on sadness for every one study on happiness.
Now a burgeoning "positive psychology" movement that emphasizes people's strengths and talents instead of their weaknesses is rapidly closing the gap, says University of Pennsylvania psychologist Martin E. P. Seligman, author of...more
Rejuvenate Yourself
March 21, 2007
Are you one of the almost half of Americans who did not take a vacation this summer? Do you often find yourself rushing from A to B with no time to breath, working seven days a week and not taking time for lunch? If so, it's time to take a break. When you are building a business or climbing the corporate ladder or assuming others' responsibilities, it's easy to become caught up in work and routines and easy to forget that we are not machines. Taking a break is not only necessary for the well-being of our minds and bodies,...more
What Is Happiness?
March 20, 2007
Happiness is defined as ‘the overall appreciation of one’s life-as-a-whole. In other words, how much one likes the life one lives. In this definition, happiness is something you are aware of. You may have a disease without knowing, but you cannot be unhappy without knowing.� In this definition, happiness is also an overall appraisal of life. Hence you can be happy with life-as-a-whole, but be dissatisfied with specific domains of life or feel down now and then.
Can happiness be measured?
Because happiness is something we are aware of, it can be measured by asking people. Questions must be precise...more
Internet Dating More Successful than Thought
February 22, 2007
Internet dating is proving a much more successful way to find long-term romance and friendship for thousands of people than was previously thought, new research shows.
A new study of online dating site members has found that when couples who had built up a significant relationship by e-mailing or chatting online met for the first time, 94 per cent went on to see each other again.
Perhaps surprisingly, the study, by Dr Jeff Gavin, of the University of Bath, also found that men were more emotionally dependent on their e-partners than women, and more committed to...more
Integrating Meditation Into Conventional Medicine
February 21, 2007
Meditation as a popular spiritual practice in the United States dates back to the 1960's when people traveled to India to learn techniques of Transcendental Meditation (TM), introduced to the West by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. TM involves clearing of the mind through the repetition of a word or phrase (called a mantra). In the 1970's, Dr. Herbert Benson and Dr. Dean Ornish pioneered research on the beneficial effects of meditation on cardiovascular disease, prevention, and recovery, with Dr. Benson coining the term "relaxation response" to refer to the general stress-reducing...more
St. John's Wort: Sometimes Friend, Sometimes Foe
February 21, 2007
St. John's wort has recently become enormously popular and is being used successfully to treat a variety of illnesses and health conditions. It is primarily used to treat mood disorders, such as mild to moderate depression, seasonal affective disorder, anxiety, and insomnia. St. John's wort is also being used for treating wounds, burns, and hemorrhoids. The herb is readily available over-the-counter in a variety of forms, including capsules, liquids, lotions, teas, and powders. Although St. John's wort is widely used, easily accessible, and a natural medicine, a word of caution is in order,...more
Watercress Next Anti-Cancer Superfood
February 21, 2007
Watercress can fight cancer by preventing damage to DNA, it has been claimed.
Eating a bowl of the vegetable can significantly reduce DNA damage to blood cells, according to new research.
But doctors said a diet rich in fruit and vegetables is the best way to stay healthy and fight cancer.
The salad leaf contains ingredients that help prevent damage to cells and DNA, the research found.
Published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the research involved 30 men and 30 women, half of whom were smokers.
Getting Through Times of Adversity
February 21, 2007
If one thing is for certain, each of us will experience some form of adversity while we are still breathing on this Earth. Unfortunately, some of us will experience more than our fair share of adversity, either in the workplace or in our personal lives.
Over the years, I feel I have been fortunate to experience unpleasant and often times, life-altering situations. Although at times I find it difficult to sustain a positive attitude while working through adverse situations, whether it be the lose of a job, a relationship breakup, looked over for a promotion or battling a...more
Music: A Healing Art
February 20, 2007
A recent study by researchers at the University of Pavia in Italy concludes that music therapy (MT) may have a beneficial effect on relieving the suffering of those with Parkinson's disease and in maximizing their quality of life. These same benefits may extend to other chronic and incurable diseases, such as:
- Patients with physically and mentally handicapping conditions
- Patients before and after surgery and invasive medical procedures
- Following heart attack, respiratory failure and advanced cancer
- Patients with Alzheimer's disease
- Patients in geriatric care facilities
MT is...more
How To End A Relationship
February 20, 2007
It's especially tough with a nice guy or girl!
Don't know how to end a relationship? Especially with a nice guy or girl? Here's how to end a relationship and still let them down easy.
Difficulty: Average
Time Required: 30 minutes
Here's How:
The spark is missing.
Tell the person you enjoy spending time together, but for whatever reason, you just don't feel the spark.
You don't want to mislead the person.
Explain that you care too deeply about the person to ever lead them on, or make them feel the relationship has a chance to progress.
Be encouraging.
Let them...more
Healthy Diet May Calm AD/HD Children
February 17, 2007
If you have a child who suffers from attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, (AD/HD), you may feel especially concerned about how to best navigate your child through the joyful but still rather stressful holiday period. AD/HD is characterized by difficulty in concentrating, hyperactivity and impulsiveness, and/or a combination of symptoms. AD/HD is common among children and is on the rise, affecting 3% to 5% of school-aged children.
Conventional treatment for AD/HD generally combines drug therapy with various types of behavioral interventions such as support groups, social skills training, parent training, and psychotherapy. Helping your child tap into...more
Green Tea Fight Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease
February 14, 2007
Although many tea-drinking Americans have grown up on black tea, green tea is gaining popularity due to its reputation for promoting health. The major difference between black tea and green tea comes from the way they are produced. In black tea, the leaves are dried slowly, and during this time the antioxidants in the leaves disintegrate. In green tea, the leaves are slightly steamed and then quickly dried, protecting the antioxidants from disintegration. This simple difference in procedure makes all the difference in health. Antioxidants can be powerful tools for health, and many people know...more
Over 1/3 of Americans Using Alternative Medicine
February 12, 2007
More than 37 percent of U.S. households regularly turn to alternative treatments for everything from headaches to diabetes, according to a survey conducted by Thomson Medstat, a business of The Thomson Corporation (TSX: TOC; NYSE: TOC). � �
Thomson Medstat’s 2006 consumer healthcare survey asked 23,000 adults about their use of alternative medicine and found that:
Manifest A Mate
February 11, 2007
Are you looking for that perfect someone to share your life with? Finding that elusive ideal mate doesn't come that easily for most of us because we haven't learned the importance of being very clear in our thoughts what type of person would truly make us happy. When we are projecting a "murky image" of our desires it is nearly impossible for the universe to deliver a perfect package.
Here is an example of a vague message: You ask your neighbor to go to the mall to buy a blue blouse. You don't tell her what size to get,...more
Liberation From Regret and Denial
February 9, 2007
Like probably every fellow human being alive today, I’ve done things in my life that I’ve later regretted. Certain actions will fail to meet our own or others’ standards of behaviour, and when faced with such acts, most of us will opt for one of two reactions:
- Regretting our actions, and wishing them undone or,
- Denying that they were wrong, or denying that it was our fault by blaming someone else, or denying that there was any lapse in the first place!
Even if we accept to the world and to ourselves that we were wrong, it is very difficult not...more
Faith and Medicine
February 6, 2007
More patients and doctors are contemplating the benefits of an age-old complementary and alternative medicine practice—spirituality. Interest in adding a spiritual dimension to healthcare may stem from a number of factors. Many patients have long lamented the absence of a personal level of care from their doctors. In addition, the aging US population demands a growing emphasis on end-of-life care. Even doctors are reacting to the increasingly depersonalized medical approach of today, and a growing number of them believe that attending to the spiritual lives of their patients is an important part of the doctor-patient...more