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 From Flight To Might   

With the arrival of this new audio CD by Rob Jacobs, in October 2005, the potential of
help for the serious issues of panic attacks, depression and insomnia greatly increases.  This presentation emotionally describes Rob's experiences, from the inception of the attacks in 1976,
through the period of depression in 1980, to the unbelievable year of basically no sleep,
and finally, with the help of two compassionate chiropractic physicians, Doctors Peter Evans
and Gordon Durand, the holistic process leading to his recovery and peace.

Rob Jacobs takes us through the basic components of life – the mental, emotional, physical
and spiritual.  He specifically discusses the areas of diet, correct breathing technique,
exercise, social support, right attitude, discharging of hurt and anger, relaxation,
meditation and spiritual values, and he leads us through these issues with love, a sense
of humor and respect for everyone going through these very difficult challenges. 

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